[ox-eckuh] noun
- A cool business that makes cool stuff for cool people.
- A wind instrument used by Norwegiancab drivers.
Oxec Design
Why Work With Us?

It’s pretty simple, I wrote my reasoning below:
Hi I’m Max. I want to help your business grow because I think it’s cool. I believe that quality design is essential to developing your organization’s image and carrying out any campaign. From the very first contact with any of your marketing material, prospective clients form a clear and lasting impression about the value and competitiveness of your company. Our goal is to be the people that help you develop that impression.
Maximilian Massell
Oxec Design
What’s the PRO-cess?

We follow a three step process with any project.
Hi I’m Isaac. (Is it lame to have us introduce ourselves this way? I just do the editing…) scope, schedule, and budget are the essential pillars that will drive the success of our collaboration. As we embark on this journey together, we recognize the significance of each of these components in shaping the outcome of our project.
Let’s define the goals of our project as clearly as possible. Are you looking more-so to engage and retain current patrons or acquire new ones? What to you would mean success as the outcome of our work together?
Whats our timeline? Are you a christmas tree farm looking to establish a website before your open season? Are you heading to a tradeshow in the upcoming weeks and need your presentation to outshine the competition?
What is a sustainable budget? Your business likely doesn’t fit in a one size fits all mold. We want to work with you. If that means starting low and progressing as your business grows we get it. When it comes to budget, more than anything, we want to work together.
Isaac Toche
Oxec Design
Would you like want to work together?
Let’s get this ball rolling. You probably won’t use this form though, practically no one does, I think it is moreso of a standard practice thing.